The Capuchin Development Office was created in the 1970s primarily to support the missionary efforts in Zambia. Over time, the role of the Development Office has grown in support of the Friars’ efforts to establish ministries that meet the ever-changing needs of the less fortunate.
The Development office, located in Union City, NJ, coordinates all fund raising activities that assist the Friars in serving God's people.
The Capuchins serve in various missions with a desire to serve the poor and those in need. In addition, they currently serve in parish ministry, preaching, spiritual direction, parish missions, counciling, feeding the homeless, and tutoring refugees.
Dear Friend in Christ,
Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in supporting our friars. There are several ways you can do this. First and foremost, you can support us with your prayers. The prayers of the faithful are especially important for all priests and members of religious orders in the Catholic Church. Please pray for us that we may continue to faithfully live our Capuchin Franciscan charism as men of prayer, living as brothers, in simplicity, and serving the poor and marginalized. Please pray for an increase of vocations to our way of life as Capuchins, and for our senior and infirmed friars. Please pray for all those we serve, especially those most in need.
You can also support us by encouraging young men whom you think may have a religious vocation to contact us via our website. Sometimes it only takes an encouraging word or two from another person to ignite a vocation that may be lying dormant in the heart of a young person.
Finally, you can support us financially as your means will allow. Financial donations are used in many ways: to support our young friars in their formation, that is, in their journey to becoming Capuchins; to care for our senior and infirmed friars; to assist us in our ministries to God’s people; and to help in the daily operation of our Province. To make a financial donation, please click here.
We welcome and are grateful for any support you can offer, and we promise our prayers for you and all your special intentions.
God Bless You +
Father Robert Williams, OFM Cap
Provincial Minister
To Request Healing CardsClick Here |
To Request Memorial Mass CardsClick Here |
Make an online Credit Card contribution to assist the Capuchin Franciscan Friars Province of the Sacred Stigmata of St. Francis.
For further information, please contact the Development Office at [email protected] or call